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Item Technológia 3D tlače ako nástroj na zlepšenie vzdelávania v oblasti civilnej ochrany(University of Žilina, 2024) Kubás, Jozef; Buday, Ivan; Ballay, Michal; Tobór-Osadnik, Katarzyna; Diemientiew, GrzegorzUsing 3D printing in education brings new opportunities for all ages and specific areas. This technology allows people to not only visualize but also physically create objects, which improves understanding of complex topics and promotes hands-on learning. For residents, 3D printing provides innovative ways to educate themselves while developing creative and technical skills. By combining theory with practice, 3D printing improves people's ability to understand and apply acquired knowledge in practical outcomes. This article focuses on the use of 3D printing as a tool for educating residents in the field of civil protection, exploring its potential in popularising science, technology and innovation. It analyses how 3D printing can streamline the learning process, facilitate the understanding of complex topics and promote the development of practical skills in different security fields. The article includes the results of a survey that focused on people's attitudes towards using 3D printing in education. The survey indicated that the majority of respondents viewed 3D printing positively and saw it as an innovative means of improving the educational process. The results of the survey offer a basis for developing strategies for more effective implementation of 3D printing in the education of the population.Item Systém odbornej prípravy pracovníkov súkromných bezpečnostných služieb(University of Žilina, 2024) Zvaková, Zuzana; Boroš, MartinThe article describes the content of the concept of private security and the tasks of the personnel in charge of physical protection under the Private Security Act. The aim of the article is to describe the training system of private security staff set up by law and to identify shortcomings in this system. The training is described through the professional topics that are the content of the training and the associated hourly subsidy. The weaknesses in the system are then described in relation to the private security service, to the customer and to the physical security staff. The article is prepared within the project KEGA 036ŽU 4/2022.Item Vzdelávanie pracovníkov v oblasti súkromnej bezpečnosti a bezpečnostných manažérov v oblasti ochrany proti výbušnými systémami(University of Žilina, 2024) Zvaková, Zuzana; Figuli, LuciaThe article describes the education of students of the study programme Security Management at the Faculty of Security Engineering of the University of Žilina in the field of protection against the effects of explosives and improvised explosive devices. The content of the article is practice-oriented - requirements of practice, required competences, skills and knowledge of graduates and possibilities of practical teaching in this specific area at the university. The aim of the article is to describe the possibilities of practical education. The article is prepared within the project KEGA 036ŽU-4/2022.Item Prototyp výcvikového zariadenia určený pre hasičské jednotky(University of Zilina, 2021) Ballay, MichalThe article focuses on the hydraulic discharge device in relationship to car parts. It presents and describes a training device prototype, which is intended for fire brigade units. Training equipment itself significantly contributes to the research of conditions for intervention activities of the Fire and Rescue Corps, education and training of students. The training device enables the identification of the optimum shear point on the car, which results in improved workflow timing, making rescue operations more effective and increasing the performance of Fire and Rescue Corps members. The final part of the article describes the safety rules for using the device as well as individual benefits, from a scientific perspective or in terms of practical benefits.Item Vývoj komunikačního prostředí simulátoru na podporu řešení krizových situací(Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020) Barta, Jiří; Kalenda, JiříExercises of the crisis management authorities, which test and verify both plans and capabilities, form part of the crisis preparedness. This article deals with the preparation and implementation of the exercise of crisis management authorities in the Czech Republic. The first part of the article deals with the preparation and putting into practice of crisis preparedness training using software and simulation tools and selected modules, tested at the gas supplies breakdown of large scale. Next part of the article focuses on the training of the crisis management bodies, describing all preparation and implementation phases. The results of the exercise were applied in an evaluation, which detected problems in the field of crisis communication. The exercises tested a simulator, which is being developed. This simulator allowed to record communication and thereby to create conditions similar to the real situation. Simulation has a considerable impact on preparedness due to the possibility to test and verify plans and capabilities of included bodies, identify deficiencies and create an environment for improvements.