Krízový manažment

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Časopis krízový manažment vychádza pravidelne 2 krát za rok. Články sú do časopisu príjmané priebežne. Uzávierky do nasledúceho vydania nového čísla časopisu sú vždy do 15. marca a do 15. októbra. Tabuľka Akceptácia článkov prebieha na základe posúdenia článkov nezávislými oponentmi a rozhodnutia redakčnej rady. Redakcia časopisu akceptuje iba pôvodné články, ktoré ešte neboli uverejnené v žiadnom inom médiu a sú napísané v textovom editore MS Word, rozsah článkov by nemal prekročiť 10 strán formátu A4 a musí byť v súlade so schválenou šablónou, bez číslovania strán. Proces posudzovania článkov sa realizuje formou „Double-blind peer review“.


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    Prevencia finančnej krízy v podniku pomocou analýzy scenárov
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Kardoš, Peter
    External threats in the global environment and the resulting economic consequences, e.g. the COVID-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine, the rise in energy prices, and rising inflation, make corporates give more attention to the prevention of crises. Since some adverse events are less predictable, the need for greater preparedness and associated risk assessment using various methods and techniques, e.g. scenario analysis, is in place. The article aims to present the results of a case study focused on managing a service enterprise during a financial crisis using scenario analysis to prevent bankruptcy. The results of this case study in a specific service enterprise point to the need to pay attention to scenario analysis, with the help of which the enterprise can think about future development and possible economic consequences and take appropriate measures to avoid a crisis or ankruptcy. Processed results benefit board members, key process managers, risk experts, regulators, etc., not only in the business sector but also in the public sector in Slovakia and other countries worldwide.
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    Uplatnenie manažmentu rizík a krízového manažmentu v športovom podnikaní
    (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2022) Buganová, Katarína; Hudáková, Mária; Furiak, Kristián
    This article focuses on the need to apply the principles and procedures of risk management and crisis management as tools for increasing resilience and responsiveness in the environment of sports organizations and sports entrepreneurs. In this context, risk management is seen as a prevention tool. Crisis management, on the other hand, plays the role of a means aimed at the ability to respond correctly to an incipient or ongoing crisis to minimize its negative effects. In the first part, the article points out the specifics of the environment in which sports organizations operate and in which sports entrepreneurs carry out their business activities. In the second part, the article discusses the roles of crisis management and risk management in the phase of prevention and response to crises and, above all, their specific impact on the environment of sports organizations. Based on the above, the article shows how it is appropriate to implement the described procedures and processes so that they correspond as closely as possible to the specific requirements of organizations and optimize their functioning in this environment.
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    Mobilné modulárne centrum pre riadenie hraníc v krízových situáciách
    (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2022) Košč, Ivan; Odler, Robert; Galba, Juraj; Koščová, Michaela; Gebeová, Klára
    The presented research aims to solve the problematics of the international migration management in the way of a Mobile modular center research and development. The general aim of the proposed Mobile modular center for the crisis management of the international migration is to design an optimal set-up and system arrangement containing a precisely specified series of ecessary workplaces providing a high degree of variability and configurability into the required functional cluster. Concept of the mobile, modular system is based on the sophistically modified standardized units (shipping container type of unit). Depending on the nature of the crise situation (a natural disaster, a major industrial accident, a pandemic, a migration wave, a state of threat, a state of war, etc.), it is possible to build an ideal complex of the workplace modules for management, control and diagnostics of people in the most optimal geographical location in relation to the currently solved crisis.
(c) Fakulta bezpečnostného inžinierstva