Univerzitná knižnica - Zborníky

Permanent URI for this communityhttps://drepo.uniza.sk/handle/hdluniza/119


Search Results

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  • Item
    Windshear a jeho vplyv na leteckú dopravu
    (University of Žilina, 2024) Voštinár, Martin; Jarošová, Miriam
    Táto bakalárska práca sa zaoberá problematikou strihu vetra v civilnom letectve s cieľom poskytnúť komplexný pohľad na jeho vplyv na bezpečnosť a efektivitu leteckej dopravy. V práci sa analyzujú faktory ovplyvňujúce strih vetra, jeho vznik a dynamiku v rôznych letových podmienkach. Ďalej sa skúmajú metódy a nástroje používané na analýzu a predpoveď strihu vetra, ako aj ich presnosť a účinnosť. Práca sa tiež zameriava na praktické dôsledky strihu vetra pre letové operácie, vrátane jeho vplyvu na bezpečnosť letu. Na základe zhromaždených poznatkov sa diskutuje možné opatrenia a stratégie na zlepšenie riadenia strihu vetra v civilnom letectve. Výsledky tejto práce majú potenciál prispieť k lepšiemu porozumeniu a riadeniu tohto dôležitého meteorologického javu pre zabezpečenie bezpečnej a efektívnej leteckej dopravy.
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    Construction of a meteorological station for the needs of sports aviation
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Galko, Róbert; Jarošová, Miriam
    In this research, we are dedicated to the design and construction of our own meteorological station and its use in sports aviation. In the first part of the research, we deal with meteorological elements that occur in the atmosphere and their measurement by instruments. In the next part, we focus on the importance of observing and measuring weather in aviation and we point out situations that may arise due to adverse weather. Subsequently, we describe the devices that we use at our meteorological station. We mention the ranges in which they measure and the ways in which the devices work. Towards the end, we devote ourselves to the design of the prototype of our weather station and its construction and programming for proper functioning. Finally, we compare the measured results of our meteorological station and the meteorological station at the selected airport.
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    Changes in visibility caused by atmospheric fronts
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Valo, Sebastián; Jarošová, Miriam
    This scientific thesis deals with the research and analysis of atmospheric fronts and their effect on visibility focused on aviation in Žilina airport, Poprad – Tatry airport and Košice airport. For the purposes of research and analysis of changes in visibility due to the atmospheric fronts passing through, METAR reports from the above-mentioned airports and bulletins of meteorology and climatology published every month were used. We analyzed reports from 2017 to 2021, a 5-year period. In this thesis, there is also an atmosphere with its layers, fronts and visibility. This scientific thesis was developed under the supervision of the thesis supervisor. For the analysis, we used METAR reports provided by the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute.
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    Influence of meteorological conditions on aircraft take - off and landing
    (University of Zilina, 2022) Chynoranský, Jakub; Jarošová, Miriam
    The division of meteorology is an integral part of aviation that informs about meteorological phenomena and defines their nature. This article focuses on the types of meteorological conditions with which the aircraft comes into contact during the flight, with a closer focus on the take-off and landing phases of the aircraft. The topic of meteorological conditions and their effects was chosen due to the enormous importance of this segment of aviation for the safety and operation of air traffic. The paper has a theoretical character and approaches the connection between individual meteorological conditions and their effect on the behavior of the aircraft. For air safety, a proper interpretation and subsequent adaptation to the corresponding weather events and deviations from standard conditions is essential. The aim of the publication is to define the basic meteorological conditions, weather phenomena and to underline their considerable importance for air traffic. The final part is devoted to the analysis of air accidents during takeoff and landing, which were caused by adverse weather conditions and their underestimation.
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    Meteorological information resources for aircraft crews
    (University of Zilina, 2022) Slušný, Radoslav; Jarošová, Miriam
    This article addresses the issue of available meteorological information resources and their importance for aircraft crews, with special regard to the ways of disseminating meteorological information and the possibilities of providing it to crews. The aim of the article is to process a comprehensive set of information about meteorological information resources and methods of obtaining meteorological information in aviation. The article has a theoretical character. It summarizes the basic terminology and defined concepts of the processed issues, with an effort for a logical focus of the chapters that are adequately addressed. In the discussion and conclusion, we pointed out the importance of meteorological resources for aircraft crews, the need for proper assessment and evaluation of the obtained meteorological information, in order to ensure the safe course of the flight.
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    Turbulence as a dangerous weather phenomenon
    (University of Zilina, 2022) Martincová, Alexandra; Jarošová, Miriam
    The aim of the theme is to examine and clarify the turbulent flow on a larger scale, especially for better flight preparation in the field of turbulence. The work explains the air flow, the formation of turbulent flow and its division into important species. It is solved how the Förchtgott classification is divided according to the type of flow on the leeward side of the mountain obstacle. At the end, it contains information on the written topic. The information is found to be that turbulence is a dangerous weather phenomenon to be taken into account, especially by the pilot so as the turbulence information has been clarified.
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    Impact of clouds on the aviation
    (University of Zilina, 2022) Švancárová, Nikola; Jarošová, Miriam
    The aim of the paper is to study concepts and types of cloud coverage and clouds itself. It also brings the different types of clouds and its effect on aviation closer to the reader. In the first part paper focuses on general concepts. Then it describes types of clouds and talks about them in detail. Next theme are radars and maps used in aviation to worn and tell us about the cloud coverage as its possible threats. In the last part, the paper shows us some maps and tells us about possible threats caused by clouds or vice versa its positive effects on the flights.