Univerzitná knižnica - Zborníky

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    (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020) Bujna, Erik; Škultéty, Filip
    The main topic of this bachelor thesis is the detection and protection of objects against the operation of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The necessity of addressing this issue is due to the increasing prevalence of UAVs and increase in reports of airspace penetrations by unauthorised UAV operations. The aim of the bachelor thesis is to analyse the problem and provide an overview of the possibilities and methods of protection against unmanned aircraft. The first part of the bachelor thesis provides a brief overview of the issue, including terminology, an overview of current legislation, the possibility of using unmanned aircraft together with incidents that have also become the subject of the problem. The following chapters examine in more detail the possibilities of detection and protection against unmanned aircraft. The comparative method compares the positive and negative aspects of individual detection methods. In the third chapter are provided specific solutions which are based on the methods of security protection and defined principles to operators of areas with the necessary security protection. The conclusion of the bachelor thesis includes the analysis of the Bratislava airport surrounding, the definition of the protective zones of airport together with the protective zones of navigation devices. The result is a proposal for implementation of detection system, which should to ensure regular and safe operation and to reduce the risk of flying unmanned aircraft over the airport. The proposal of securing the airport against UAVs offers the possibility to protect the nearest surroundings of the airport from the intrusion of unmanned aircraft and in case of disruption of the covered area of early warning and the possibility of responding to the threat.
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    (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020) Sisák, Tomáš; Škultéty, Filip
    This paper focuses on solving the problem of vertical takeoff and landing of an unmanned aerial vehicle with fixed bearing surfaces. The introduction describes the two most commonly used types of UAVs, emphasizing the positive and the negative properties of the UAVs. Furthermore, the work describes vertical takeoff and landing of aircraft and the design of the arrangement of airfoils and fuselage for individual UAV. The next chapter focuses on the selection of correct material and the process of building a UAV. The following chapter is devoted to the used electronics, describing each component separately, but at the same time, describing the electronic components necessary for the vertical takeoff and landing of the so-called pixhawk precisely. The main idea is to introduce the functioning of the sole component and the correct setting using a computer program. At the end of the work, there are calculations that are necessary to determine the operating values such as the speed range and the multiples for safe operations of the UAVs. These calculations are obtained computationally but also by simulation, using the XFLR5 program. With the help of this paper, reader can build, set up and fly with an unmanned aerial vehicle with fixed surfaces and vertical takeoff and landing by himself..