Žilinská univerzita v Žiline

Permanent URI for this communityhttps://drepo.uniza.sk/handle/hdluniza/1


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    Analysis of the implementation of Part-147 in the environment of air transport department and aviation training and educational centre
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Vyskoč, Lukáš; Rostáš, Ján
    The following article is announcing author analysis of EASA Part 147 regulation and its application for the creation of the Maintenance Training Organization under Aviation Training and Educational Centre (ATEC), and Air Transport Department (ATD) in the University of Žilina (UNIZA). Introduction of article includes main targets and methodology of its processing. In the beginning of the work, it deals with theoretical outcomes derived from current regulations relevant to Part 147 with corresponding Applicable Means of Compliance (AMC) which brings essential basics of the MTO. The main part consequently elaborates substantial chapters with direct overview of conditions and requirements to be fulfilled by personnel, environment and full scope of manuals and procedures included in the facilities of UNIZA located in the Airport Žilina. Upon current (existing) conditions it identifies all requirements to be implemented in MTO to satisfy its initial audit and certification. To the most practical outcome of this article belongs MTO manual processed in line with all regulations and their local implementation on the ATEC and ATD environmentincluding training modules and training conditions for on job training itself. In the final chapter there are instructions and recommendations for MTO development as well sustainability of the processes to satisfy also the students' knowledge, skills and abilities for their future transport Authority examination and also for their successful applicability in practice.
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    Digitization of aircraft maintenance procedures
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Pätoprstý, Matúš; Bugaj, Martin
    This paper presents the results of research on the possibilities of implementing digitized procedures in the environment of heavy aircraft maintenance and deals with the design and implementation of digitized procedures in the hangar. The object of the paper is the maintenance procedures in section 10/20 of the BMD department in the company ATB s.r.o. which performs maintenance on the cabin and fuselage parts of the aircraft. In the paper we analyze current maintenance procedures in the designated department and xamines the effects of digitized procedures on increasing work efficiency. It proposes the method and individual phases of the implementation of digitized procedures. In the first phase, a solution is implemented to replace the paper form of maintenance documentation, used by mechanics during maintenance, with their digitized form. The other two phases are described theoretically. The thesis identifies obstacles associated with the implementation of the proposed procedures and offers possible solutions
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    Požiadavky na harmonizáciu údržby ultraľahkých lietadiel
    (University of Zilina, 2022) Škultéty, Filip; Čerňan, Jozef; Janovec, Michal; Chodelka, Frederik
    The exact definition of an Ultralight Aircraft is still very diverse, especially in the European region. Internationally, there are various Ultralight Aircraft (UL) classes with nationally varying certification regulations. Accordingly, Ultralight Aircraft is used colloquially ore or less comprehensively for Very Light Aircraft or Light-Sport Aircraft. However, they are subject to much stricter certification nd maintenance regulations. This paper aims to compare the current legal situation in the European Union countries, extract the best practices, and propose how a new “AMC & GM” should define the laws and regulations to create the best possible vironment for UL airworthiness. This paper is written based on information and directions published on the websites of the esponsible uthorities of the respective countries, as well as communication with these authorities and first-hand knowledge obtained by conducting numerous interviews with people in the field of UL maintenance. The results indicate how different each country egulates the maintenance and continuing airworthiness of ULs and how important a harmonised regulation would be. It is specially important to have clarity as with larger aircraft and thus also to prevent numerous accidents and hazardous situations in the future.
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    Monitoring of technical state of unmanned aerial vehicles
    (University of Zilina, 2022) Lagin, Samuel; Kandera, Branislav
    The aim of this work is to study current possibilities of monitoring the technical state of the unmanned aircraft from the most basic activities to the more advanced aircraft systems. Partial goal is to create a simple general maintenance checklist for cases when the manufacturer does not publish any maintenance procedures, or the manufacturer is the owner and pilot of the aircraft, in case of DIY aircraft. Theoretical part is devoted to description of most common components of current UAVs and their possible failures and stating current possibilities for maintaining awareness of the technical state of the aircraft prior to, during and after the execution of a flight. Second part will state how to extract the flightlogs and what tools can be used to analyze them. The result of this work is creating general maintenance checklists as well as stating the information about the process of modifying this checklist for the UAV in question. Mentioned checklists will be created for pre-flight, post-flight and regular maintenance check.
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    Creating study materials – bearings, shafts, springs and gears
    (University of Zilina, 2021) Veselovský, Šimon; Janovec, Michal
    The main goal of this article is to acquaint the reader with the topic of the author's bachelor's thesis. The article deals with the theoretical part of the creation of study material for bearings, shafts, spirngs and gears. its goal is to acquaint the reader with the toppic. The article introduces the mentioned machine parts, their more detailed description and practical examples of use in practice. Each chapter contains, in addition to the description, also graphic examples of the best possible use of the material in teaching. The aim is to create a comprehensive study material with practical examples in the Slovak language.
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    (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020) Mariňak, Róbert; Braciník, Tomáš
    Aircraft maintenance is nowadays a very demanding and precise job that requires professional and qualified personnel. In order of carrying this job out efficiently, the maintenance staff needs high quality and up to date materials, to use while doing their work. The aim of this bachelor′s thesis is to create material that should guide, unify and facilitate the overall process of maintenance procedures of aircraft type Zlin Z 242 L, which recently became part of the fleet of the Aviation Training and Education Centre of the University of Žilina. In our study, we worked with official materials from ZLIN AIRCRAFT a.s. and together with legal norms and valid regulations we tried to create a basis for the design of the job cards for regular inspections. We were looking for a compromise between the standards and the specific requirements of LVVC ŽU. After a tough examination of all aspects, having an influence on the necessary technological procedures, we came to the final design of the job cards of regular inspections of type A, B and the design of job cards of special inspections. This job cards design should enable professional staff to carry out maintenance work directly and clearly and ensure that they can be checked at each stage of the inspection.