Žilinská univerzita v Žiline

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    Analysis of trends and possibilities of reducing waste production on board of aircraft and inovative systems for its assessing
    (University of Zilina, 2022) Juríková, Terézia; Rostáš, Ján
    A major trend in the 21st century is the protection of the environment from a global perspective, which is associated with reducing emissions and reducing waste production. Therefore, we try to apply the same trends in aviation. With the help of progressive technologies, we ensure the reduction of emissions. However, the issue of waste generated on board of aircraft during the flight is not comprehensively identified. This diploma thesis deals with the topic of reducing waste production on board. The main goal of this work is to analyze the current state of the problem and the subsequent creation of innovative solutions in the form of operating procedures for organizations operating in aviation. The laws and directives valid in the territory of the Slovak Republic in the application of relevant regulations and other EU legislation were used to prepare the work. Articles, studies and methodologies of foreign authors have contributed appropriately to the completion of the theoretical part of the thesis and to a better understanding of the issue. The first chapter presents the current situation and legislative requirements in the field of waste generated on board aircraft. The second chapter describes waste recovery processes and related processes such as landfilling, incineration and recycling. The possibilities of using alternative materials and the application of optimal recycling technologies are described in the third chapter. The practical part of the work was the creation of progressive procedures on board aircraft and in handling or catering companies. At the end of the work, the impact of the created procedures on the environmental, socioeconomic, and operational environment is described.
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    Rozbor bezpečnosti letov UAV a konspekt aktuálnych legislatívnych požiadaviek
    (University of Žilina, 2021) Škultéty, Filip; Kandera, Branislav; Janovec, Michal
    Despite the recent legislation, which has been formed in the last five years to its current form, the safety for the UAV operation is borne by the pilot, as he/she is the one who is responsible for the direction of UAV movement thus for any collision. For this reason, it is necessary to increase the safety of UAV operations outside the duties and competencies of the pilot at a distance, for example, through anti-collision systems and air traffic management systems. This article was initially focused on analysing aviation events in Slovakia associated with the operation of the UAV. Another factor that significantly affects the operation of UAVs to a large extent is the legislation itself. A special part was devoted to the legislation in terms of airspace determination, procedures and rules of operation of the UAV. From a legislative point of view, it is currently an important aspect to define the correct and reasonable level between the restrictions in order to increase the safety of operation only on an indispensable scale, not to be very restrictive to operators.
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    New threats in security
    (University of Zilina, 2021) Kundráthová, Natália; Lysina, Karol
    The article is focused on modern threats in the department of security. The urge to address this issue is due to growing occurrence of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) all around the world. The operation of these vehicles is also closely linked to incidents that threaten security, but the most serious are increasing numbers of incidents connected to operation of UAV. For correct processing, it is very important to define the basic concepts and facts related to the topic of UAV. Safety and security in general, are inseparable parts of air transport. Taking into account the constant development of aviation technology, especially in the department of UAV, it is necessary to know the emerging threats and pitfalls associated with the operation of UAV. The following chapters define in more detail the causes of incidents. Later on, we get to know various methods of detection and protection connected to operation of UAV using the comparative method. Key part of our paper is being formed by the analysis of current regulatory framework at European and national level. The result is a proposal for new legislation that could and also should be implemented in national regulations. All things considered, such legislation must meet all attributes necessary for the safe operation of UAV and protection against their illegal use.
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    The use of unmanned aerial vehicles in the mountain rescue service
    (University of Zilina, 2021) Gánovský, Martin; Kandera, Branislav
    The theme of paper is the use of unmanned aerial vehicles in the Mountain rescue service. At the beginning, a brief summary about the history and development of unmanned aerial vehicles is made, starting from the very beginning to their gradual integration into the rescue systems all around the world. This part is followed by an analysis of the currently valid Slovak legislation regulating the rules of flying with unmanned aerial vehicles on the territory of Slovak Republic, which also affects the flight operations of mountain rescuers. Author also included an analysis of the European legislation, which should gradually replace the currently valid Slovak legislation and unify the rules of operation of unmanned aerial vehicles on the territory of the member states. The third chapter describes the use of specific types of unmanned aerial vehicles used by the Mountain rescue service of Slovak Republic and also of other European countries. We focused on the operational advantages and disadvantages compared to other types of aircraft technology used in the mountain rescue systems. The last part consists of an analysis of available equipment used in conjunction with unmanned aerial vehicles during avalanche accidents. Part of the work is also researching the possible extensions of mountain rescue operations by the implementation of modern avalanche beacons attached on the unmanned vehicles. In a research we focused mainly on the possible interference caused by the operation of unmanned aerial vehicle in close vicinity of an avalanche beacon.
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    New regulations for UAS flights
    (University of Zilina, 2020) Kandera, Branislav; Škultéty, Filip; Badánik, Benedikt
    The paper deals with the legislation in the field of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) in the Slovak Republic. The main goal of the paper is to analyse the current legislative framework, which sets the basic rules and restrictions. The article’s contribution is a description of the latest Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/947. The solution to the issue consists of an analysis of the requirements for changes in current legislation based on people’s experience from practice. The reason for the changes is to facilitate flying with UAS for all user groups, provided that safety is maintained, and risks are minimised. These new regulations are causing the most significant changes, especially for organisations that will perform aerial work with the UAS in the Specific category. These organisations need to transform their operations manuals and extend the aerial work system with a risk analysis.
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    (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020) Martonka, Pavol; Škultéty, Filip
    The need for continuously increasing the quality of practical training and study process for students of the aircraft maintenance technology study program is necessary given the high standard of aviation safety. As part of the tendency to meet this need, the aim of this paper is to design and create a teaching aid. This would not be possible without enough literature and materials to work with, materials from field of maintenance training legislation, variety of teaching materials covering the subject matter of this paper and many others. The main purpose of the paper was to create a didactic material means, which in fact is a modified wing of the Zlín Z-142 airplane. Modification of the wing consists in removal of certain parts of the skin, which ended up in revealing critical and important parts of the wing construction and its systems. All this resulted in creation of proper teaching aid to satisfy the needs of teaching and practical training of specific maintenance procedures. By placing the modified wing and the theory which comes with it into the curriculums of maintenance training it is possible to use these means actively in the education and training processes.