Žilinská univerzita v Žiline

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    Bezpečnosť účastníkov cestnej premávky a ich vplyv na vnímanie dopravnej situácie
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Ballay, Michal; Macurová, Ľudmila; Kohút, Pavol; Rédl, Miroslav
    When analysing an accident scene, one of the significant tasks is to evaluate the driver's ability to perceive the traffic situation according to different aspects. Currently, there are various eye movement measurement systems designed to perform a high-quality reconstruction of the direction of eye movement of road users depending on time. In addition to the basic physiology of the perception of road users, the paper deals with using the Viewpointsystem® measurement system designed to analyse eye movement when perceiving the traffic situation. The article assesses the development of traffic accidents in the Slovak Republic according to the consequences of traffic accidents and categories of road users. As part of determining the decisive moment for a collision situation, an analysis of the direction of the eye movement of the driver of the vehicle during a dangerous traffic situation while driving on a road section located in a rural area is performed.
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    Posúdenie stability lesného kolesového traktora vybaveného hydraulickou rukou
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Dižo, Ján; Blatnický, Miroslav; Ishchuk, Vadym; Lovska, Alyona; Fidrik, Filip
    Wheeled forests tractors are inseparable part of a forest economy. Wheeled forests tractors serve for logging of logs in forests. Current wheeled forests tractors are usually equipped with hydraulic arms, which allow to expand the utility of such tractors. A tractor with a hydraulic arm can handle with wood logs without a need additional forest machine, which helps to reduce costs. On the other hand, it is necessary to analyse tractors abilities, which has such an additional equipment. This article is focused on assessment of stability of a heeled forest tractor, which is equipped by such a hydraulic arm. As the hydraulic arm changes the centre of gravity of an entire tractor, mainly with the load, safe operation of the tractor needs to know limit conditions of stability under the maximal load and in the given slope inclination.
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    Flight corridor for hems and national crisis management committee with usage htaws during minimum visibility conditions
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Posluch, Samuel; Petríček, Pavol
    This paper presents a new possibilities and methods of Helicopter emergency medical service operation in marginal adverse weather conditions with using the helicopter terrain awareness and warning system and impact on safety of crew and operation. It explains current operations in Slovakia, the principle of helicopter terrain awareness and warning system. Subsenquently, analyzed accidents with most common cause – controlled flight into terrain. Furthermore it analyze, design and verify the possibilities of increasing safety operations for helicopter emergency medical service also summaries designed so-called corridor with verify flights for proposes additions for next higher level of safe helicopter operations.
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    Analysis of the possibility of increasing safety at the selected airport
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Šímov, Adéla; Remencová, Tatiana
    Civil aviation safety is one of the most discussed issues in air transport. Airport safety must meet certain requirements, both in terms of safety management and security. Therefore, this article is focused on the definition of basic definitions for the issue, such as the already mentioned concept of safety and security, terrorism or theoretical basic models used in connection with the human factor in aviation. In the context of the current situation, there are examined the security systems at airports and their use at specific world airports. The main goal of this article was to analyze security systems at selected European airport, which is Amsterdam Schiphol Airport. Security at this airport is characterized by high level, not only because of the introduction of new technologies in the field of security checks, but also high staff qualification has its part on it. The number of terrorist attacks at Schiphol Airport also showed a high level of security system, with the first and last terrorist attack were in 2009. This attack caused certain changes in the field of security, in particular the modernization of security systems and the additional qualification of staff. Based on the analysis of safety and security system, there were formulated opportunities to increase security at this airport.
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    Optimization design of flight training regarding cockpit equipment
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Senaj, Andrej Timotej; Jůn, František
    The technological progress and development of aircraft, flight instruments and aircraft cockpit equipment over the past 60 years has been enormous, which has been shown in the equipment and construction of aircraft. The flight syllabus, according to which the training for future aircraft pilots was compiled, had to be updated over time due to the safety and fluency of the training program. This bachelor's thesis will be focused on the design and optimization of flight training with regard to aircraft cockpit equipment, where we will deal with the implementation of aircraft with digital cockpit equipment. Nowadays, we encounter aircraft in training that are from different periods and their cockpit equipment often consists of analog instruments. Over the years, flight schools began to reach for more modern aircraft, which represent a significant saving on fuel and more modern aircraft equipment. The risk when training pilots on airplanes with analog and digital instruments is that a pilot who is not sufficiently trained and does not understand the distribution of information on digital instruments may evaluate the situation incorrectly and consequently a dangerous situation may occur. This work will therefore be the design of a training curriculum to prevent such situations.
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    Specific risks of helicopter aerial works and their elimination
    (University of Zilina, 2022) Hajduková, Gréta Mária; Kandera, Branislav
    Safety is the highest priority in all aspects of air transportation. This paper is focused on different hazards and risks that might be encountered by helicopters during different types of aerial works and offers ways to mitigate those risks. The introductory part lists companies who are currently licensed for helicopter aerial work in Slovakia and outlines different types of aerial works. The methodology process describes four steps, which are then executed in the central part of the paper. The main part was written as a result of combining two different approaches to hazard identification – reactive and proactive – which encompassed studying and analyzing reports from helicopter accidents and incidents, as well as brainstorming techniques with assistance from aviation professionals. The results provide different mitigating techniques to lower assessed risks to tolerable values, along with alternative proposals of risk mitigation to air operators.
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    Rozbor bezpečnosti letov UAV a konspekt aktuálnych legislatívnych požiadaviek
    (University of Žilina, 2021) Škultéty, Filip; Kandera, Branislav; Janovec, Michal
    Despite the recent legislation, which has been formed in the last five years to its current form, the safety for the UAV operation is borne by the pilot, as he/she is the one who is responsible for the direction of UAV movement thus for any collision. For this reason, it is necessary to increase the safety of UAV operations outside the duties and competencies of the pilot at a distance, for example, through anti-collision systems and air traffic management systems. This article was initially focused on analysing aviation events in Slovakia associated with the operation of the UAV. Another factor that significantly affects the operation of UAVs to a large extent is the legislation itself. A special part was devoted to the legislation in terms of airspace determination, procedures and rules of operation of the UAV. From a legislative point of view, it is currently an important aspect to define the correct and reasonable level between the restrictions in order to increase the safety of operation only on an indispensable scale, not to be very restrictive to operators.
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    Implementation of SMS into theoretical and practical MCC training
    (University of Zilina, 2021) Petríková, Michaela; Jůn, František
    The main goal of my paper is to implement safety management system into theoretical and practical MCC training. I was inspired for finishing this paper by my own integrated ATPL training at University of Žilina. Work is divided into three main parts. The first part of the paper is theory of safety management system, safety in aviation, loss of control and controlled flight into terrain. Five air accidents are characterized and analyzed in the next section. This part contains air accident Air Dubnica of two aircraft L410 in Dubnica nad Váhom, Air Accident OSSR An-24 Aircraft in Košice, Aviompanija Tatarstan accident in Kazan, accident of cypriot airline Helios and Pakistan International Airlines accident in Karachi, Pakistan. In the last part of the paper is designed implementation of the safety management system into MCC training.
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    (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020) Novák, Andrej; Novák Sedláčková, Alena; Stelmach, Anna
    The paper is focused on the GNSS signal interference during the airport approach procedures at small Slovak regional airport Poprad-Tatry. The paper analyzes the simulation of the situation during the identification and monitoring of GNSS signal interference by ground station situated at the airport. Nowadays is still important to develop air transport and increasing the safety and continuity of provided services even at small regional airports. One of the most appropriate possibilities is to use at this kind of airports with insufficiently equipped navigation infrastructure the GNSS approach. The monitoring of reliability of this system and implementation of monitoring the GNSS signal interference in the final phase of the instrument approach will increase the safety of the flight.
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    (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2020) Koblen, Ivan; Jančovič, Igor
    The introduction deals with importance of ensuring of high level of safety in civil aviation, initial and continuing airworthiness as well as mission of European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). The authors inform about regulation and implementation framework of initial airworthiness focusing on selected information related to the so called New Basic Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 (exemption from this common rules for Member State in the design, production, maintenance and operation activities in respect of one or more selected categories of aircraft and regulation of rules for sport and recreational aviation) and application of adopted Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material (GM) for the Part 21 of Regulation (EU) 748/2012. Following further parts of this paper, the authors introduce the European plan for aviation safety, which consists of the complete set of EASA assignments regarding to rulemaking tasks (RMT). The important part of paper is focused on information concerning the change of Regulation (EU) 748/2012 and explaining the reasons and substance of these changes as well as presentation of several new tools, for establishing of several new instruments to support the implementation of simple and proportionate rules for aviation sport and recreational flying in the context of the revision of Regulation (EU) No 748/2012 and its Part 21 in the following areas: implementation of the relevant provisions of the New Basic Regulation, release of aeronautical parts without an EASA Form 1, the second phases of the integration of the safety management system and instructions for continued airworthiness.