Transport and Communications

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Transport and Communications is an scientific journal intended to bring together the information in different areas of transport and communications. The aim of this journal is to combine theory and practice in the field transport and communications and thus advancement of transport and communications sciences. It will provide a platform for academicians, researchers and engineers to share their experience and solution to problems.Journal is indexed in database Index Copernicus.


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    Municipal Transport - Infrastructure
    (University of Zilina, 2016) Rybicka, Iwona; Droździel, Paweł; Caban, Jacek; Madleňák, Radovan
    One of the most important problems that we face in Poland, is a low degree of safety connected with municipal transport infrastructure. It stands out from numerous factors and conditions. That is why numerous actions aimed at improving transport safety are being undertaken. One of them is improved safety of vehicles that are directly connected with municipal transport safety.
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    The role of human element in aviation safety
    (University of Zilina, 2016) Reut, Justyna; Caban, Jacek; Widzicka, Bożena
    Each industry is characterized that without human factor will not be able to function. This also applies to aviation, which focuses mainly on human labour. This sense of security what provides staff workers, on what the shoulders are the duty of care not to create a hazard before, during and after the flight. On the civil and military airports they employ staff not only flying but also ground handling. These include: auditors, managers flights, technicians, ground handling runway and apron, cargo department employees, firefighters and other emergency services, personnel service to passengers in the terminals, customs, security, and even people like hawkers, law enforcement officers, managers and managers of the various sectors. Each of these professions is responsible for a different aspect of the airport, and is necessary for the proper conduct of flight operations and passenger services and ensuring security. In the largest airports with lots of terminals with dense air traffic performance characteristics of employed people, the variety of tasks, and thus the level of complexity of the operation resemble a small town. In order for it to function efficiently is all you need is a good organization, through which cooperation between all departments of work is smooth and provides quick action in dangerous situations. Each employee should know their role and perform the desired function best, so to fill up the board and the workforce to reliably performed its duties and to the performance of their work brought economic profits.
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    Development of courier services in Poland
    (University of Zilina, 2015) Porębska, Ewelina; Caban, Jacek; Sopoćko, Mateusz
    The article presents the genesis of courier services in Poland, since the first such businesses in 1982. Courier companies in Poland are relatively short on the market, holding the prominent place in the economy of the country. The courier services in comparison with the countries of Western Europe are still in the development stage. After 2000 began the process of merger of best organised national courier companies by the largest global companies. In the article are presented factors affecting development of courier service in Poland, as well as the changes, which occurred within a few years, such as the level of employment, enterprises operating range and their generated revenue.