Univerzitná knižnica - Vedecké odborné časopisy

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    Operator – Pilot Learning Success With Aviation Ergatic System Control
    (University of Zilina, 2015) Kurdel, Pavol; Lazar, Tobiáš; Novák Sedláčková, Alena
    The unique mission of operator – pilot during the performed flight lies in the responsibility for selected aircraft position doctrine along determine flight trajectory determined by programme. The mutuality of the relationship of the operator - pilot (OP) and the aircraft completes the image of an ergatic system [7] in which the OP is bound to the object (aircraft), makes decisions in complex flight situations, optimises the transfer of the aircraft into a regular flight. OP also decides about the change to manual aircraft control, which is the main feature of a selective method of flight ergatic system along determined flight trajectory control. The paper shows a method of determination and evaluation of operator – pilot with the aim to obtain quality in successful fulfilment of aviation ergatic system.