Univerzitná knižnica - Vedecké odborné časopisy

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    The Identification Problem of Letterbox Transport Companies in the Slovak Republic
    (University of Zilina, 2019) Poliak, Miloš; Tomicová, Jana; Šimurková, Patrícia; Jaśkiewicz, Marek
    The letterbox companies are a major concern of many interested parties because they can create unfair competition and potentially undermine legitimate businesses by avoiding costs other than social contributions and taxes. Therefore, to ensure that carriers are equal and eliminate unfair competition, the need to improve the checking of letterbox transport companies is essential. The paper deals with the issue of more effective provision of inspections of letterbox transport companies within the Slovak Republic. Based on the analysis of the current situation in the Slovak Republic and based on the research carried out in relation to the existence of letterbox transport companies, the paper deals with the proposals related to their prevention and subsequent determination of the procedure for their checking.
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    Analysis of the bus preference and bus stops in Košice
    (University of Zilina, 2018) Medviď, Peter; Hammer, Juraj; Poliak, Miloš
    Systematic growth of amount of cars and vehicle ownership incites to a growth of traffic flow in locality areas and cities, especially at the traffic peak. A slowing down of traffic, increase of density on traffic areas and advance growth of delay at the crossroads, increasing of exhaust emissions, noise and vibrations is a result of these changes, which manages to traffic accidents increasing.
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    Transport costs and their impact on the expansion of cities and agglomerations
    (University of Zilina, 2018) Poliak, Miloš; Hammer, Juraj; Medviď, Peter; Čulík, Kristián
    Costs as a component that represents the decision-making factor for each individual or company, we are meet every day. This article focuses on transport costs that have an impact on urban sprawl, reverting to the source of the individual's transportation target and changing the choice of transfer decision-making with respect to transport costs. Habits how to move from one place to another, in greatly affects the means of transport used by the individual. It is this factor, how to positively influence a passenger to replace individual car traffic for another mode of transport by means of transport costs this article will be dealt with. The degree of automotive has a rising character over the year. It is precisely a tool for helping to partially eliminate the negative impact of individual car traffic on society and city expanses are transport costs.
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    Driver salary identification by hypothesis testing
    (University of Zilina, 2017) Poliak, Miloš; Šimurková, Patrícia; Poliaková, Adela; Jaśkiewicz, Marek
    This paper outlines comparing two independent samples, particularly average driver salary in Slovakia and the other EU countries. Significant differences between salaries are pointed out through two examples dealing with hypothesis testing. For Western European Union countries, the level of salaries in road transport is higher in absolute terms compared to the salaries of drivers in the central and eastern parts of the European Union. Different salaries and requirements of wage regulations create a discriminatory environment among entrepreneurs however harmonization of salaries in the field of road transport is specific because carriers offer transport throughout the whole European Union market.
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    Market Access in Freight Forwarding and Responsibility of Freight Forwarder
    (University of Zilina, 2016) Poliak, Miloš; Šimurková, Patrícia; Mrníková, Michaela; Komačková, Lenka
    The paper deals with the issue of different market access for the transport procurement in the EU in context of open market of providing forwarding services. The paper highlights different requirements of market access in freight forwarding. It also refers to the different responsibility of freight forwarder depending on membership in the national associations of freight forwarders. The contribution analyses the limitation of liability in freight forwarding and shows differences in contract of freight forwarding for particular shipments by model examples.
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    The Effectivness of Suporting Public Passenger Transport from Public Funds
    (University of Zilina, 2016) Poliak, Miloš; Semanová, Štefánia; Varjan, Peter
    The paper deals with the issue of efficiency of financial support for public passenger transport from public funds from the perspective of improving road safety. The aim is to verify the hypothesis that financing public passenger transport from public funds is a significant tool to influence the number of passengers carried by individual automobile transport, and thus it can be a tool for influencing road safety in a particular territory. The first part of the paper analyses the sources for financial support of public passenger transport. The last part analyses possible impacts of financing public passenger transport on the road safety in relation to the specified hypothesis.
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    Value of Time Savings as a Factor in Deciding on Route Choice
    (University of Zilina, 2015) Poliak, Miloš; Semanová, Štefánia; Komačková, Lenka; Mrníková, Michaela
    The paper deals with the definition of time savings as a factor in deciding on route choice of a carrier whether to use toll road network. The first part of the paper describes a history of road infrastructure charging in the EU Member States and the USA. Next part analyses the factors affecting decision-making process of a carrier when considering which road infrastructure to use – toll or non-tolled roads. The paper also identifies the value of time savings as a significant factor in route choice.
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    Providing Transport Services Based on the Gross Cost and Net Cost Contracts
    (University of Zilina, 2015) Poliak, Miloš; Semanová, Štefánia; Varjan, Peter; Komačková, Lenka
    The paper deals with an issue of the impact of a contract form choice on providing public transport services and its influence on a scope of transport services. The first part of the paper describes the current situation in selected countries and then various contract forms. It also analyses the existing risks and possibilities for their allocation between the contracting parties in the field of public transport provision. Further part of the paper describes an approach of public service operators to net cost contracts and gross costs contracts.
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    The Risk Analysis in Public Passenger Transport
    (University of Zilina, 2013) Poliak, Miloš; Semanová, Štefánia; Kilianová, Katarína
    The paper deals with the risks related to providing public passenger transport. The risks are divided into two groups: cost and revenue risks. The paper describes possibilities of risk allocation among contracting parties when providing transport services.