Univerzitná knižnica - Vedecké odborné časopisy

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    Analysis of the earth's surface influence on the accuracy of non directional beacon in mountain terrain
    (University of Zilina, 2021) Novák, Andrej; Novák Sedláčková, Alena; Lusiak, Tomasz; Stelmach, Anna
    This paper deals with the measuring and checking of the Non Directional Beacon using flying laboratory AeroLab 1 at University of Zilina. It is based on the most simple radio navigation concept: a ground-based radio transmitter (the NDB) sends an omnidirectional signal that an aircraft loop antenna receives. Our practical measurement shows that the NDB satisfies ICAO standards and can be used in industrial part of urban area and is functional in spite of the interference. The paper concentrates on the measuring of the Non Directional Beacon (NDB) which is installed close to industrial part of the city. The ADF/NDB navigation system is one of the oldest air navigation system still in use today. One of the paper's goals is to familiarize the aviation public with the practical measurement of this urban area phenomenon in terms of flight safety, which is common in mountainous nations such as Slovakia. The article's other purpose is to educate professionals in the area about this occurrence in terms of its nature as a physical rule, in order to develop solutions to improve the navigation system's measurement accuracy.
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    (University of Zilina, 2019) Kováčik, Ľubomír; Novák, Andrej; Lusiak, Tomasz
    The paper described the problems of GNSS interference measurement at airport Zilina. The Global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) are widely used both for civilian and military operations to determine the location, speed, acceleration, and trajectory of the user on the ground. GNSS refers to a constellation of satellites that provide signals from space transmitting positioning and timing on data receivers. The intentional errors include jamming and spoofing which are caused by systems sharing the same frequency illegally. The method for measuring signal interference is defined by the parameters that affect the calculation of the position of interest. Monitoring the extent of the interference and its impact is a necessary procedure for the successful management of aircraft operations at the airport.
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    AEROjournal - celé číslo 2/2019
    (University of Zilina, 2019) Kováčik, Ľubomír; Novák, Andrej; Lusiak, Tomasz; Škultéty, Filip; Poljak, Jozef; Yun, Gennadiy; Pederiy, Yuri; Gnashuk, Andrei; Bartoš, Miroslav; Badánik, Benedikt; Jarošová, Miriam; Kazda, Antonín; Bugaj, Martin; Materna, Matúš
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    AEROjournal - celé číslo 1/2019
    (University of Zilina, 2019) Novák, Andrej; Lusiak, Tomasz; Kováčik, Ľubomír; Škultéty, Filip; Čerňan, Jozef; Rostáš, Ján; Bugaj, Martin; Pecho, Pavol; Lusiak, Tomasz; Janovec, Michal; Urminský, Tomáš; Škvareková, Iveta; Kandera, Branislav; Ažaltovič, Viliam