Univerzitná knižnica - Vedecké odborné časopisy

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    Analýza jazdných vlastností modifikovaného vozidla a jeho komponentov v dôsledku zmeny pohonného ústrojenstva a ovplyvnenie vzájomného pôsobenia kontaktu koleso/koľajnica
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Dižo, Ján; Ishchuk, Vadym; Lovska, Alyona; Blatnický, Miroslav; Solčanský, Sebastián
    The presented article is focused on analysis of running properties of a modified railway vehicle and its components due to a change of the powertrain and influence of the mutual effects in a wheel/rail contact. The modification of a vehicle consists in a change of a standard diesel-electric powertrain by a new powertrain, which includes as a source of power the hydrogen fuel cells. This modification represents a quite significant modification of a vehicle structure, mainly a change of mass and position of centre of gravity individual articles of a vehicle. The analysis of running properties is performed by means of simulation computations in a commercial simulation software Simpack. Simulation model of a vehicle is called as a multibody model. This model consists of rigid bodies, which are connected by flexible modelling elements. Simulation analyses are performed for an original vehicle and for vehicle with hydrogen fuel cells. There are analysed cases of running on two types of tracks. There is found oud based on the obtained results, that the modified vehicle with the hydrogen cells has similar force distribution in a wheel/rail contact, however, the axle load of the modified vehicle does not meet required criteria.
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    Skúmanie jazdných vlastností koľajového vozidla a vzájomného pôsobenia kontaktu koleso/koľajnica pomocou simulačných výpočtov
    (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2023) Šťastniak, Pavol; Gerlici, Juraj; Dižo, Ján; Blatnický, Miroslav; Kravchenko, Kateryna
    The paper deals with the dynamic analysis and evaluation of the driving characteristics of the selected railway vehicle through computer simulations on virtual and mathematical models. Approaches and methodology from the point of view of creating a virtual model of a railway vehicle as a multi-body system are described in detail., its components and their interrelationships, with the help of which it is possible to obtain the results of a simulated driving of a vehicle with specified parameters of the mechanical system of the vehicle and the track. Practical calculations are performed using the Simpack computer program.