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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Item
    Simulácia zvárania heterogénneho zvarového spoja v programe Sysweld
    (University of Žilina, 2024) Koňár, Radoslav
    The article deals with the analysis and subsequent simulation of a heterogeneous butt weld joint. Specifically, it is a combination of S355 steel and AlSI316 anti-corrosion steel. The welding simulation was based on a real experiment, during which several quantities were measured and analyzed, which served to define the boundary conditions for the simulation. The result of the analysis is the calculation of temperature fields and deformations for a heterogeneous joint, as well as monitoring the influence of different steels on the welding process and heat propagation.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Vyvolanie scitlivenia na koróziivzdornej oceli 1.4845
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Kaličiak, Samuel; Kantoríková, Elena; Bolibruchová, Dana
    The experiment is focused on the influence of heat treatment, solution annealing and subsequent sensitization of stainless steel 1.4845. In the experiment, a suitable thermal cycle of solution annealing and subsequent sensitization is designed. Subsequent comparisons of the microstructure and hardness of steel 1.4845 before and after the proposed heat treatment
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