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    Stanovenie úspory energetických nákladov na pohon vlaku znížením jazdného odporu
    (Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2023) Panchenko, Sergii; Gerlici, Juraj; Lovska, Alyona; Ravlyuk, Vasyl; Dižo, Ján
    Examining the mechanical part of the braking systems of railway vehicles allowed us to find out that the brake blocks of the most freight cars are pressed by their upper ends against certain wheel surfaces when the brakes are released. This causes additional resistance to the movement of the train and also causes significant damage to the railway infrastructure of Ukraine in the case of freight traffic. To eliminate the friction between the brake block and the wheel when the train moves in the traction mode and when using inertia, it is advisable to use a modernized device developed according to the UkrDAZT technology, which allows to reduce the running resistance of the train. This leads to a reduction in the consumption of fuel and electricity for the propulsion of trains and at the same time allows to reduce the operating costs of rail transport for energy consumption.
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