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    Konštrukčný návrh rámu korby pre jednonápravový príves za traktor
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Dižo, Ján; Blatnický, Miroslav; Ishchuk, Vadym; Molnár, Denis; Kurtulík, Jakub
    This article is focused on the results of the research, which is intended to design of a single-axle tipping tractor trailer. The trailer consists of two main parts, a frame and a superstructure. Both parts of the trailer must undergo strength analyses under determined loading conditions. While results of strength analyses of the frame were already presented on the previous event, this work shows an overview of the strength analysis of the tipping superstructure of the trailer. The structure has been analysed under static loads and dynamical effects have been considered by means of a dynamic coefficient. The task has been performed by application of the Finite Element Method (FEM). Some chosen load cases have been analysed and the distribution of stresses in the structure has been evaluated. Results have shown that the designed structure of the tipping superstructure is able to withstand the given loads and it can be used in practice.
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