Práce a štúdie - Vydanie 09

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    Ignition systems of combustion piston engine and possibility of its optimization
    (University of Zilina, 2021) Vorlíček, Marek; Čerňan, Jozef
    This paper explains the basic definition of ignition, combustion and description of the ignition system functionality. The ignition systems are divided according to established criteriums into the most used types and descriptions of each ignition system components. It focuses on ignition timing and circumstances that affect it and how they influence the observed parameters. I am using ignition timing as an instrument for the observation and optimization of ignition. These practices are tested on piston engine in the practical part of this paper. It describes the modification of the timing curve, measuring of engine power and comparison between each curve. It is an analysis of engine performance under different conditions. The most efficient timing curve is chosen and further evaluated. The used engine for this paper was a rebuild from a car engine used in Trabant 601, VEB Automobilwerke automobile.