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    Differences in approaches to charging for air navigation services in selected countries of the world regions
    (University of Zilina, 2021) Vodžák, Milan; Materna, Matúš
    The work analyzes and finds out the difference in the charging systems of air navigation service providers in selected countries of the world regions, which is the main financial and economical factor to cover the costs of providing air navigation services. It deals with various charging systems in selected regions of the world by specific air navigation service providers of countries (China, Mexico and the Eurocontrol area), and identifies howindividual differences in charging systems act in total amount of en-route charges. In general, the key factor for considering air navigation service providers is the price of services, but in our work we also deal with the influence of the distance factor on the total amount of the charge and the weight factor, which can be determined in different regions of the world by various approaches. These are two ways determining the number of providers' services which are subsequently subject to a price per unit of that service. The finding of the work is that charging systems for air navigation services which use categorization methods of maximum take-off weight (wingspan), which have the ability to influence the total amount of charges by two factors, first is a unit rate (price) of individual categories, and the second is a change in size of category. Unlike charging systems, where the uniform formula is used to calculate the weighting factor, only changes in the value of the unit rate can be used to change charges.