Práce a štúdie - Vydanie 10

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    Analysis of selected aircrafts suitable for PPL training
    (University of Zilina, 2021) Matula, Dominik; Bugaj, Martin
    The main goal of the paper is based on the analysis to define the criteria for selecting an aircraft suitable for PPL training. We achieved the main goal by meeting two sub-goals. The first sub-objective is the analysis of training organizations in Slovakia, on the basis of which we have selected entities for the second sub-objective thus the analysis of selected aircrafts suitable for PPL training. In this work we analyze three, most used training aircrafts for PPL training in Slovakia. We analyze selected aircrafts in terms of three main parts, which include, analysis of technical parameters, analysis of flight characteristics and analysis of operating parameters. Based on the given analyzes, we obtained an evaluation of the characteristics of selected aircrafts, their individual advantages and disadvantages. Other results of the work include the evaluation of criteria that are suitable for aircrafts designed for PPL training. This work can be applied in practice, especially when deciding on the selection of a training aircraft for a student or training organization.