Práce a štúdie - Vydanie 13

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    Optimization design of flight training regarding cockpit equipment
    (University of Žilina, 2023) Senaj, Andrej Timotej; Jůn, František
    The technological progress and development of aircraft, flight instruments and aircraft cockpit equipment over the past 60 years has been enormous, which has been shown in the equipment and construction of aircraft. The flight syllabus, according to which the training for future aircraft pilots was compiled, had to be updated over time due to the safety and fluency of the training program. This bachelor's thesis will be focused on the design and optimization of flight training with regard to aircraft cockpit equipment, where we will deal with the implementation of aircraft with digital cockpit equipment. Nowadays, we encounter aircraft in training that are from different periods and their cockpit equipment often consists of analog instruments. Over the years, flight schools began to reach for more modern aircraft, which represent a significant saving on fuel and more modern aircraft equipment. The risk when training pilots on airplanes with analog and digital instruments is that a pilot who is not sufficiently trained and does not understand the distribution of information on digital instruments may evaluate the situation incorrectly and consequently a dangerous situation may occur. This work will therefore be the design of a training curriculum to prevent such situations.