Krízový manažment - Ročník 21.; Číslo 1/2022

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    Ukážka spolupráce katedry požiarneho inžinierstva so závodným hasičským útvarom ZAHAS Žiar nad Hronom pri realizácií praktického cvičenia
    (University of Zilina, 2022) Rečlo, Rudolf; Marková, Iveta
    Thanks to long-term cooperation between the Department of Fire Engineering with Industrial Fire Department ZAHAS in Žiar nad Hronom under the lead of JUDr. Marián Šmida, an exercise for the development of practical skills regarding firefighting equipment was conducted. Students of first-year master's degree studies, students of third-year bachelor's degree studies and three Erasmus programme students from France attended the exercise. During the practical exercise, students acquired knowledge of the equipment of water tender CAS 32 Tatra 815, extinguishing the fire using a powder handheld fire extinguisher, preparation of hoseline, working with a combined nozzle and vehicle-mounted nozzle.